Tile-Floor Cleaning


"Serving the Greater Portland Area and all of Maine"
Androscoggin, Aroostook, Cumberland, Franklin, Hancock, Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, Oxford, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Sagadahoc, Somerset, Waldo, Washington, and York Counties

Our floor stripping and waxing services are completed in three steps:

  • Floor stripping: This is where we will remove the top coating of wax and any other buildup. By stripping the floors, we will remove all of the dirt and grime, leaving the floors bare.
  • Sealant: After we strip the floors, we must then seal it with a high-quality sealer. We will then buff the surface to a sparkling shine. The sealer and gloss finish will extend the wear of your VCT flooring, reduce marks and scratches and will help to guard against soil penetration and abrasion.
  • Waxing: Our VCT floor finish will give your floors a deep, rich protective glow. The High Solids industrial grade wax we use will protect your flooring and will make it shine like new once more.

Through our expertise, we will recommend which service your tile floors need to make your floor last longer for years to come while still remaining cost effective.

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